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Honour Based Abuse: Perspectives From Lived Experience

Participants from the Survivor Ambassador Panel at leading Honour Based Abuse charity Karma Nirvana took part in watercolour painting, illustration and creative writing workshops that resulted in a touring exhibition and zine of their artwork alongside information about Honour Based Abuse in the UK.


Our Collaborators

This project was a collaboration with the Karma Nirvana and the University of Nottingham's Rights Lab. Workshops were led by Juliana Capes, Heather H. Yeung and Julia Syrzistie. You can find out more about Juliana, Heather and Julia here, here and here.


Karma Nirvana is a charity that aims to end Honour Based Abuse in the UK. They run the national Honour Based Abuse Helpline, train professionals, gather data to inform policies and services, and campaign for change. You can find out more about their work and access their services here.


The University of Nottingham Rights Lab are the world’s largest group of modern slavery researchers. They deliver new and cutting-edge research that provides rigorous data, evidence and discoveries for the global antislavery effort. Their impact team provides an interface between the Rights Lab research programmes and civil society, business and government, and their INSPIRE project elevates survivor-informed research as a key part of knowledge production to help end slavery. You can find out more here.


The exhibition and zine first launch in Leeds on the Day of Memory. They then came to Glasgow Zine Library in Autumn 2023 and will be showcased in Nottingham in the New Year. 

the survivor arts community logo

The Survivor Arts Community CIC is a registered community interest company: 598795


Our logo was created by Glasgow-based artist

 Kaitlin Mechan.

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